
Yubikey-manager 安装在一个绝对路径:【译者注:homebrew 是 macOS 平台的包管理软件】

❯ brew install libu2f-host libusb swig ykpers
❯ git clone [email protected]:Yubico/Yubikey-manager.git
❯ git submodule update --init --recursive
❯ pip install -e .

安装工具会自动把 ykman 文件链接到 /usr/local/bin/ykman ,但是原始 git 文件夹必须保留在硬盘上。

然后,为验证(aut), 加密(enc)和签名(sig)打开触摸验证:

❯ ykman openpgp touch aut on
❯ ykman openpgp touch enc on
❯ ykman openpgp touch sig on


❯ ykman openpgp touch aut
Current touch policy of AUTHENTICATE key is ON.

❯ ykman openpgp touch enc
Current touch policy of ENCRYPT key is ON.

❯ ykman openpgp touch sig
Current touch policy of SIGN key is ON.

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